Learn ways to connect and protect nature through …

Sustainable Living

Start learning, acting, and living with an
environmentally sustainable mindset.

We know we need to live more sustainably. We hear and read about pollution, habitat loss, and the depletion of our natural resources. Human actions are to blame. It can seem overwhelming to think about changing our habits. It can also seem like what we do doesn’t matter. But it does matter. Especially if everyone did something to live lighter on the Earth.

To be honest, I’m lazy when it comes to reading all that I can about the environment, or doing everything possible to protect nature. The thing is, you don’t have to read and do it all in order to make a positive difference.

What I hope to do with this site is to share things in a way that resonates with whoever reads it. I want people to feel connected to nature so that they care a little more to take positive environmental action where they live… easily … without having to think about things too much (that’s when people don’t usually make changes). 

Years of practicing (and not practicing) simple sustainable living, researching ideas, and over 20 years of teaching and surveying adults of various ages and backgrounds about the topic also go into the content provided.

I want what I share with you to seem “doable”. I realize that some ideas might not fit at all with the way you want to live or can live. That is totally fine. Find what fits with you.

To start living a more eco-friendly lifestyle, start small … but start right now. The changes you make will add up.